임대 오피스 - DK Building (DK Building)
DK 오피스 빌딩은 무역에 매우 편리한 Le Hong Phong에 위치하고 있으며 건물 주변에는 많은 유틸리티가 있습니다. 건물은 크고 사무실 건물의 모든 기능을 가지고 있습니다.
Type of office.
- New office building.
- Professional service
Office Features.
- Full equipment in the office and 2-way air conditioning.
- International standard fire protection system.
- Wifi Internet from 5MB to 20MB.
- 100% backup power.
Facilities and services.
- Large free parking area.
- Convenient location, convenient transportation near major commercial centers.
- Car parking, bicycle and motorbike.
- 24/24 camera system.
- Security system 24/24.
- Have backup generator system.
- Rental price: 223.000VND/m2/month = 10USD/m2/month.
Hotline: Mrs Lisa 0906.182.555/01255.286.688
Email :thuydung.lexico@gmail.com
Hotline: Mrs Lisa 0906.182.555/01255.286.688
Email :thuydung.lexico@gmail.com